Karakter The Rock dalam mod ini sangat realistis dan sempurna untuk dilihat dari segala sisi, badannya yang kekar dan detail tattonya juga terlihat memukau.
Jika kamu rindu skin the rock yang versi smack down, kamu bisa coba mod ini. The rock dulunya adalah pemain smack down namun sekarang sudah menjadi aktor. on 7 (MB (CAR MOD PACK FOR GTA SA android. Description (in author's own words): What I wanted to do when I started this mod, was to make the best San Andreas version possible, what I mean by this, is to fix most of the glitches/bugs in the game, improve textures, and basically enhance the game in every way possible. But, as with all GTA titles before or after it, one of the most important aspects of the game have always been all the cars the player is able to find, steal, and drive. Kali ini mimin akan share mod dff only ufo.